[Avodah] Insights Into Halacha: Sukka on Shmini Atzeres?
Prof. Levine via Avodah
2014-10-15 13:50:10 UTC
As the sun sets on Hoshana Rabba, effectively ending the holiday of
Sukkos, an annual machlokes dawns. As with much related to the Yomim
Tovim, differ

As the sun sets on Hoshana Rabba, effectively ending the holiday of
Sukkos, an annual machlokes dawns. As with much related to the Yomim
Tovim, different minhagim come to the forefront this time of year.
Not just the Sukkos-long variances as to the proper method of nanuim
with the Lulav and Esrog, nor the correct order of the Ushpizin.
Rather, this author is referring to sitting in the Sukka on Shmini
Atzeres. Is it an obligation or recommendation? Prohibited or
permitted? Why do some go to great lengths to make sure to eat or
even sleep in the Sukka on this day, while others will make due with
a simple Kiddush or even less?

To find out why, read the full article
Into Halacha: Sukka on Shmini Atzeres?" For all of the Mareh Mekomos
/ sources, just ask.

A vastly expanded version of this article with extensive footnotes
appeared in last year's AMI Magazine Sukkos edition.

Wishing all of our readers a Good Yom Tov,
kol tuv,
Y. Spitz
<mailto:yspitz at ohr.edu>yspitz at ohr.edu

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